E29: Andy Jones – Leadership in the Nonprofit Space
Andy Jones is the CEO of WARM NC, a Nonprofit organization dedicated to providing low-income homeowners a safe and healthy home to live in, through free repairs and upgrades for qualified projects. Andy talks about the history of WARM NC, as well as his journey from a volunteer coordinator to the CEO of the organization, and the different facets of leadership required as a CEO.
-Leadership comes in many forms and variations, especially how Nonprofits can be a leader in the community.
-There is a GIANT misnomer that Nonprofts can’t make profits - but how can any family or organization survive without profits and positive cash flow?
-Who and how to qualify for WARM NC services.
-Leadership comes in many forms and variations, especially how Nonprofits can be a leader in the community.
-There is a GIANT misnomer that Nonprofts can’t make profits - but how can any family or organization survive without profits and positive cash flow?
-Who and how to qualify for WARM NC services.
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